Sunday Lottery Exposed — Lottery Games in ETH

Sunday Lottery Review
With all the cryptocurrencies available now, it’s hard not to get a little lost in trying to figure out value or not. Combine that with an online lottery, and then it gets even more confusing. Sunday Lottery is such a site. It looks pretty straightforward as long as you understand things like Ethereum (ETH) – maybe. This is a site that isn’t selling or buying the currency but simply a place to use it to win potentially. Well maybe. There is a bit of info in their data statistics could show deposit information in ETH or US dollars.
Games on
Okay, I’m confused. It looks like there are a bunch of different games but no information on when they happen except Sunday Lottery’s Sunday game. There is 1/2 which involves 2 people and costs 0.05 ETH. That’s a 50% chance of winning the prize of 0.09 ETH. Next is the 1/3 which involves 3 people, costs 0.02 ETH for a prize of 0.05 ETH. 1/6 involves 6 people at the cost of 0.01 for a prize of 0.05. 1/11 involve 11 people at the cost of 0.01 with a prize of 0.1 ETH. All these games say they have “instant” automatic payments so maybe as soon as the lottery is full, the game happens.’s Sunday Lottery
The Sunday Lottery involves a minimum of 100 people, at the cost of 0.01 ETH. The jackpot is unlimited, and then they add “~20% of the prize pool”. So what’s the tilde symbol mean? Am I missing something?
They also refer under “Changes” to adds on winning 0.01/ 1 in 2, 0.02/1 in 6.5, .04/1 in 20, 0.1/1 in 100. The game is played every Sunday at 00:00 UTC. Winners are randomly chosen.
How Does It Work?
Simply send an amount of ETH to the contract address. You can use an address or QR code (on the screen) or ‘buy tickets’ button. To do any of this, you have to use Metamask or a dApp browser or extension. This includes not only buying into any game but to see any of the statistics and info related to games and your account. It looks like 1 ETH equals around USD 313.00 – today.
Winning at Sunday Lottery’s Games
All winnings are automatically deposited into your wallet. There doesn’t appear to be any commission. Given the winnings versus the cost to buy into games, there is a fee to play built in. Winnings are not taxed, and I guess there is no way for anyone to really track what’s in your account – how much you have won. I mean it’s in your wallet in the clouds.
Coming Soon on
It looks like this site is relatively new. They are planning a variety of things which Sunday Lottery says is coming soon including “TRON version,” improved minimalistic UI, improved chat (currently it is temporary and not a self-hosted version), social and group games, dice games, increased payout rate, mega jackpot games and lotteries with choosing lucky numbers. Some of this I understand, but some of it is simply gobblygook – to me!
Customer Service
It’s hard not to chuckle reading through the FAQ. Sunday Lotto continually refers to different transaction issues where they do return the payment or overpayment less the transaction cost or as they say it “gas.” Guess that’s some fee for engaging. There is only one way to contact, and that is through an email address. There is no information on who these folks are or where they are. There are no terms and conditions. There is a button that you can click to change the whole site from English to Chinese.
The Bottom Line at
I guess if you have ETH to play with and you already have a wallet, this all makes sense. It’s a bunch of lottery games that seem straightforward. I do have an issue playing something that is sorta out there in the air or cloud or somewhere.
No Taxes, No Commission on Winnings
50% Chance of Winning on a Game
Anonymity – No One Knows You’ve Won
No Contact Details except An Email Address
Relatively Small Prizes – For Now
Very Limited FAQ gets a thumb’s down. It just doesn’t seem to have the fun and flavor of an online lottery like US Powerball or EuroMillions and the mega jackpots that can happen. I also like to know a bit more about who I’m transacting with. Then again, this ETH and cryptocurrencies look like the latest thing.
Celia Lopez
I have been trying to understand this site in order to play, and I honestly think it is very complicated and underdeveloped visually and aesthetically. I would not recommend it.
very simple and transparent, thanks for the link!
Undervalued game. Very simple and truly fair. Great for p2p.