Lotto Sorcerer Exposed — Can a Product Born in 1989 Give You Lottery Success?

Lotto Sorcerer Review
Lotto Sorcerer has been around since 1989. Or at least that’s what the software’s official presentation says. It is supposed to offer assistance to the people who play 635 lotteries from 69 countries in the world. Using Lotto Sorcerer, these players are to improve their odds of winning through the selection of the right numbers.
While the Lotto Sorcerer website does look like something put together in 1989, this product is based on new technologies like artificial intelligence-based neural networking. Doesn’t that sound fancy? It does!
Does Lotto Sorcerer work and how exactly does it pick the right numbers? We’re on a quest to find an answer to these questions.
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What Is Lotto Sorcerer and What Does It Do?
Lotto Sorcerer is more or less a predictor. It relies on the premise that the machines used to draw lottery numbers are mechanical. These machines are close to randomly generating numbers, but this isn’t 100 percent correct. Some numbers are drawn more often than others, meaning players who can predict these numbers are more likely to win.
Lotto Sorcerer is lottery analysis software that provides information for hundreds of games.
Neural networking based on artificial intelligence ensures the effectiveness of predictive technology. Is this so? In just about every Lotto Sorcerer review, we came across claims that there’s whatsoever no evidence about the allegations. But we’ll take a more in-depth look at Lotto Sorcerer reviews later on in the article.
Just like most other software products, this one claims to give you the secret that nobody’s telling you about improving your odds and winning the lottery. The makers of this one make the bold claim that Lotto Sorcerer is the best software out there due to the effectiveness of the predictive system and the available features.
How Much Does It Cost?
Lotto Sorcerer is far from affordable. It costs 59.95 dollars.
The software is available for Windows and Mac OS. Keep in mind, however, that the latest Mac OS version supported by the program is 10.4 (Tiger) to 10.11 (El Capitan). Many reviewers have complained about the lack of support and upgrades, rendering the product useless for many people.
The good news is that numerous payment methods are supported. These include PayPal, credit card payments, personal checks, eCheck, Western Union, MoneyGram, and cash currencies (over 60 national currencies are supported).
Lotto Sorcerer does offer very limited free trials. You can download the software for 12 uses before having to buy the paid license.
How Does Lotto Sorcerer Work?
As per the official Lotto Sorcerer presentation, you can master the program in three minutes. Once you download the software, choose the lottery that you want to play, enter numbers previously drawn, and the program will generate numbers based on this input.
If you don’t want to do that by hand, there’s a lottery data subscription service that will import the data on your behalf, and you’ll be free from having to handle the process manually. As hard as we worked to find the details, there was no information about how much the additional service costs.
According to Lotto Sorcerer’s presentation, the predictor is based on Dr. W. Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Juran’s theory on advanced statistics. These theories are coupled with predictive technology like the fifth-generation artificial intelligence algorithms. While all of this sounds great, it’s more or less a lot of mumbo jumbos.
The software supposedly works with all kinds of games that have anywhere between three and eight numbers drawn from a pool in the range from zero to 99. It also accommodates lotteries like Mega Millions and Powerball that have one main set and one additional set of numbers drawn.
According to the list of lotteries supported by the program, there are popular lotteries from Australia, the US, Brazil, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Jamaica, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Lebanon, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, and various other countries.
Some of the most prominent features mentioned as a part of the Lotto Sorcerer experience include data analysis, information about past drawings (charts and diagrams to simplify the reading of the information), built-in wheels, checking tickets for winning numbers, and printing out payslips.
Lotto Sorcerer Terms and Conditions
Satori Publishing, the entity behind Lotto Sorcerer, has detailed terms and conditions.
Satori Lotto Sorcerer has an extensive privacy policy that pledges to protect the sensitive financial data that buyers have to share with the platform to make a purchase. It’s a pretty standard document; you can check it out on the product’s official website.
According to the terms and conditions, Lotto Sorcerer has been checked by impartial third parties that confirm it’s virus and malware-free. Thus, you can rest assured that the software is not going to impact your computer in any negative way.
Online credit card processing is handled by third parties, as well. To ensure your security, you can also opt for PayPal payment that’s third-party provided. These systems have been around for a very long time, and they come with iron-clad security features.
Lotto Sorcerer doesn’t make any guarantees you’re going to win the lottery by giving the product a try. That’s a standard condition, and it provides the entity behind Lotto Sorcerer with some legal protection against dissatisfied customers.
Who Is Behind Lotto Sorcerer?
Lotto Sorcerer was set up by Satori Publishing – a company that operates from Michigan City in Indiana, the US. That’s a good thing because dozens of software products exist out there and fail to provide information about the company operating the platform.
Satori Publishing can be contacted by email or phone if you have any questions about the product.
Satori Publishing’s official company website states that the company was set up in 1987 to create software. Over time, the primary area of specialization has remained, and the entity makes various types of software for Windows-based and Macintosh computers.
Most of the time, the company makes software for third parties. It appears that Lotto Sorcerer is one of the few launched and operated by the company itself.
Apart from operating Lotto Sorcerer, the company has another similar product called Lotto Sorcerer’s Apprentice. It is a mini version of the software that doesn’t have many of the Lotto Sorcerer features. The condensed Lotto Sorcerer’s Apprentice costs 24.99 US dollars.
What People Say About Lotto Sorcerer
We looked for Lotto Sorcerer forum opinions and Lotto Sorcerer reviews to see what actual people have to say about the product.
Most of the reviews are negative.
Starting with the Lotto Sorcerer download limitations and moving on to the effectiveness of the program, people are most confident that the product isn’t worth the price tag set by its maker.
The positive reviews sound very much as if written by a marketing team. They don’t provide information about what the users like and how they used the product to win.
The negative ones state that people haven’t won anything at all by using Lotto Sorcerer. Also, there have been complaints about the lack of updates to make the product a bit more contemporary and poor customer service (if any at all).
There have also been complaints about people being asked to pay additional amounts (30 dollars) for an update.
We didn’t find any list of actual winners or information about people who won a large sum through the use of this product.
Why You Should Register with Lotto Sorcerer
Available in 69 countries
Why You Shouldn’t Register with Lotto Sorcerer
Poor customer service
Additional payment for updates
No evidence of people getting rich from it
Too expensive
Is Lotto Sorcerer Legit?
Lotto Sorcerer does make money but mostly, for the company that created the software.
We couldn’t find any accounts by people who went for the Lotto Sorcerer download and who got rich soon after. Let’s face it –even if the lottery isn’t truly random, there’s no way to predict which number is going to show up during a specific drawing. If there were such an opportunity, lots and lots of people would be rich already (and some lotteries would have gone bankrupt).
Lotto Sorcerer has an outdated website, and the support for new OS is limited, regardless of your computer type. People have been asked for money to get updates, people have lacked support, and if you don’t want to enter lottery numbers manually, you will have to pay extra.
Because of the high price and the fact that Lotto Sorcerer doesn’t work, this software product gets a 2 out of 10 stars rating.
Andrew Warren
A simple set up, easy to use software program for generating a set of numbers, all the complex stats are pre defined and you have many different variations on how to generate numbers from trend to distribution pattern selection. Stable and easy to master. Only complaint would be no further updates are planned.
Marlon Lee
Definitely works, hands down
Kenneth Wayne James
I have Lottery Sorcerer, it’s GREAT.
This is by far the BEST Lottery Software out there.
Especially if you play daily games. P3 & P4
It allows you to adjust your Picks to get you some winners.
Damn good Software.
K JAM from Texas
Jonathan Berggren
Average for now… Haven’t played any real money on it but for any negative reviews, if you click on help and look at the tips on the website, they tell you to experiment with different settings for your game and do test runs to see which methods of the software work best for your game. They even have an example from the creator of how he does it. I’m not a genius but that’s pretty clear cut and simple to me…
SkBel Pa
Lotto Sorcerer handles the odds, not certainties.
I’ve been using it for a while and I am pleased with it.
Handling all sorts of games come from one common rooth: stats.
And you can be sure, is is not just a number generator, it really gives you some good combinations, but one has to bear in mind that dealing with probabilities is one thing totally different from dealing with certainties.
If you know nothing about the basics of stats, then do not buy Lotto Sorcerer.
It does not require you to be a statistician, only knowing what a standard deviation, the mean, the variance and the median are all about, is enough for you to benefit from the program’s suggestions.
Despite artifical inteligence (AI) emerged only years after the program’s debut, it does not mean Lotto Sorcerer (LS) had always used AI, so assuming this is a clear mistake.
As per my experience, the more draws LS has to handle, the more laser targeted the results are, despite ramdomness plays a role every now and then.
If you have basic concepts of stats, then try the progam before you buy it.