Program Five Exposed — Would You Like to Travel Back in Time?

Time Travel with Program Five
Would you like to travel back in time and see how the beginning of the Internet looked like? If you do, please join me in this amazing adventure that begins and most likely ends with Program Five lottery software. I haven’t seen an uglier website in years, and this should count for something since I am compelled to visit a broad range of good for nothing websites. If they would be selling vintage furniture or ancient artifacts, then the site would be in complete accord, but for someone trying to market a lottery system in this highly competitive environment, they failed miserably.
How Does It Work?
This is a good question, and it looks like those who developed Program Five have no intention to answer but instead invite us to leap of faith. What they tell prospective customers is that their lottery software is state-of-the-art among programs used for managing and developing lottery systems. I have no clue what they mean exactly, and I doubt that they are trying to convey a message either, but are simply happy to use some fancy words to conceal the lack of substance.
Much is explained by reading their proud claim that their company has been in this line of work since 1984, producing lottery software ever since. I assume that they still have the same web designers and the website was also created back then because it looks like the 80s as it gets. To support their claims of profitability, Program Five also offers a screenshot of what is supposed to be their application. The first thing that comes to mind when watching that image is a game of Minesweeper gone wrong, and it becomes evident that this is a clumsy software with a user-unfriendly interface.
Program Five Complaints
Were you honestly expecting to find any reviews about a lottery software that was very likely developed in the last century and never sold many copies? I didn’t, and my expectations were met 100% because nobody is saying a word about how Program Five works and doesn’t bother to make any complaints. The more time you spend looking for any comments on this product, the more iPhone Five complaints you will unveil which of course will annoy you even more if you are an Apple fan-boy.
Maybe if I were to look for Italian reviews and complaints, I would be more successful, because this application is created and marketed by an Italian company. I can tell you something that customers have no reason to complain of, and this is the nice variety of lotteries that they cover. Pretty much any lottery in the world is featured in their offer, at least all important ones, so if you’re looking for diversity, Program Five won’t let you down. Too bad it doesn’t matter how many lotteries you can play in if the lottery software is unable to improve your chances.
Does it Worth Your Money?
Take a look at the price tag, the website, and the celebrated screenshot of Program Five in action and then try to respond to this question yourself. If you said yes, then please seek professional help because you are clearly out of your mind. As for the one selling this dinosaur software, they are either out of their mind, or they have no shame at all because the price tag can climb up to a massive €470. It is not a typo, and it is not a joke either, because if you add up all the alleged perks and extra features, this is what it will cost.
They try to sweeten the deal by offering two types of discounts but even so the full bundle will cost you over €200. For 10 times less money, you can purchase another worthless lottery software by simple googling for it; there is no need to acquire Program Five. The software looks atrocious, these guys who developed and try to sell it are living in different times, and everything is wrong about it. There are better ways to throw money down the drain, and there is no reason for enabling these people to keep their business alive.
I can’t overstate my disappointment about how Program Five and the website marketing it looks like, but at the same time, I have to say that the experience is hilarious. Not even if you are colorblind, the design can’t possibly convince you to spend a dime on anything they try to sell you, and trust me when I say that those who leave seconds after landing on the website, don’t miss out on anything.
Too many unknown things if you ask me. You don’t get to know how this software works until you buy it. And the main thing is price. It’s way too high! You have so many free apps, and yet, they put the lowest price on this software $60!!! Unreasonable!
It’s 2016 and nothing has changed. The product site is so messy that it’s hard to understand the main features of this software. While I was browsing, I found it downloaded to my PC without my permission.